Sunday, May 29, 2011

My 19th Birthday Party

woohoo! i'm now 19 and my friends came to my home and celebrated with me :D

this is my bbq party invitation card :)

i'm so glad that today is not a rainy day! thank god! <3

after they arrived at my home, we started making our own bracelets :D they're not as gifts of course, and so they gotta tidy them up and put back into the box after taking photos.

then we played the balloon game. we first drew our balloons, drawing the cutest look of me -V- after then, they threw the balloons toward me then i poked them with the long toothpick :D whose balloons were not poked were the losers, and so they're so excited to have their balloons to poked... i would have missed my balloon if i gotta do so :P at last, as i was the one who poked the balloon, my balloon was safe :D hahaha :D

my lovely fox balloon <3

before we started bbq, we played the game that we tore the paper into hearts then suck them with straws one by one and pass them to the end of the line. i'm not sure if my group cheated or not, but anyway, we won :P

then we took a group photo before bbq. many thanks to aunt emily, uncle edmund and their son who helped us to burn up the charcoal :D

we started bbq finally :D

then we took photos wif my 19 :D

as we couldn't finish all the food, some of us got take away frozen food ;) then it's time to open my gifts!!! thanks for all the gifts! <3 here's a photo wif my new fox fluffy toy :P

it was such a wonderful birthday party :D thanks for you all coming to my party ;)

btw, thanks for all the blessings on facebook and by sms <3

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