Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Emily @ Office

emily came to work at my office today :D so happy :) i brought her from fotan station to the building and also showed her the minibus stops nearby.

emily loved asking me silly questions. i told emily that there's only my mom working at the office. as we got into the parking space, she asked me why there were so many private cars. i wondered why she said so. and she said she thought there was only mom at the office. then i told her, yea but this didn't mean that my mom used the whole building! how come she thought that my mom owned the whole building for her office -_- the building was so huge! ==

after she arrived at the office, my mom asked us to take photos of the diy bracelets. we had a great fun! each of us made 2 diy bracelets. but it's kinda stupid that she made 2, and 2 of them were made incorrectly -_- one got upside-down words and the another got words facing the wrong side (the words faced her own wrist that cannot be shown to others), haha, she's so funny :P

these were the great shots of the bracelets :) nice, weren't they?


then we went to had our lunch at the comma cafe. the tomato sauce thing was super sweet but with no tomato taste ==" it's like the chef accidentally put the whole pack of sugar into the sauce... then we bought some stationery for the office. we bought some nice files, they're pastel color! i love them :)

i drew my fox having bbq :) i <3 my fox! she looks great in this pict! haha :D

and my little sketch of it :)

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