Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Human Planet

today was human planet time again! :D the theme is: Arctic - Life in the Deep Freeze ;)

this was a great episode :D that's so amazing in the arctic, it's kinda difficult to imagine myslef living there, freezing cold and 24-hr night or day! that's unbelievable to survive in such a harsh environment, rarely a plant can grow over there :(

here's the hunting and skinning a narwhal part. enjoy!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

My 19th Birthday Party

woohoo! i'm now 19 and my friends came to my home and celebrated with me :D

this is my bbq party invitation card :)

i'm so glad that today is not a rainy day! thank god! <3

after they arrived at my home, we started making our own bracelets :D they're not as gifts of course, and so they gotta tidy them up and put back into the box after taking photos.

then we played the balloon game. we first drew our balloons, drawing the cutest look of me -V- after then, they threw the balloons toward me then i poked them with the long toothpick :D whose balloons were not poked were the losers, and so they're so excited to have their balloons to poked... i would have missed my balloon if i gotta do so :P at last, as i was the one who poked the balloon, my balloon was safe :D hahaha :D

my lovely fox balloon <3

before we started bbq, we played the game that we tore the paper into hearts then suck them with straws one by one and pass them to the end of the line. i'm not sure if my group cheated or not, but anyway, we won :P

then we took a group photo before bbq. many thanks to aunt emily, uncle edmund and their son who helped us to burn up the charcoal :D

we started bbq finally :D

then we took photos wif my 19 :D

as we couldn't finish all the food, some of us got take away frozen food ;) then it's time to open my gifts!!! thanks for all the gifts! <3 here's a photo wif my new fox fluffy toy :P

it was such a wonderful birthday party :D thanks for you all coming to my party ;)

btw, thanks for all the blessings on facebook and by sms <3

Happy Birthday To Me

happy birthday to me! i'm now 19! yeah! :D

nic gave me a necklace at 12am ^^ love ya <3

mom made me a wonderful breakfast ^^ "M<3JAC Sweet19" love <3

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Rice Krispies

i made rice krispies today for tomorrow's party ^^ not so sweet though but still delicious :D

melting the marshmallows with butter :D

it looks like fried rice! haha :P

rice krispies :D

and i made the 19 with some of the rice krispies ^^

Friday, May 27, 2011

Contact Lens & Butterfly Tee

wonderful! finally, finally, finally! i could wear contact lens! let's celebrate! hahaha :D actually my eyes were so tired after the battle with my fingers -V- that girl told me that i gotta use 1 hour to wear them next time :P kinda wondering if i should wear them on my birthday...

then in the afternoon, emily and her fd came to get away the geog notes. so happy that my house got more room now :D haha ;)

after that, i went to wan chai to have an interview for a yunnan exchange programme. before i went to wan chai, i went to pacific place in admiralty. bcoz of a tee! :D i reli love this butterfly tee but there wasn't a small size for that in shatin's zara... so i went there to find it! i was so successful today! :D

Thursday, May 26, 2011


nice delicious chocolate from the USA :D i reli love the 60% cocoa wif caramel chocolate <3

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Contact Lens & New Office Equipment

hooray! i tried on the contact lens today! so excited! :D but actually, when that professional put them on, it made me so nervous and so tense :( he tried for so many times to put them into my eyes -V- thanks for his patience, haha :D i'll be trying to putting the contact lens into my eyes on friday! i hope i can be successful :( u know, my eyelids were freaking out! >:(

then i had lunch wif emily at fotan~ we were so full -V- each of us ate a huge sandwich :D haha~ that's so incredible that emily couldn't finished her lunch! wow *V*

after lunch, we got back to the office. there's the new whiteboard! whiteboard <3 haha :P

and also a new shelf and a new clock :D

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Human Planet & MandyCat

i watched human planet on pearl again! the theme is: Deserts - Life in the Furnace :D

click to watch the whole episode :) http://www.tudou.com/l/XrnLU8UEitw/&iid=74483676/v.swf

that was the first time i saw sandstorms! that's cool~ they can survive in such an environment is kinda miracle to me ;) "Against the odds, they have turned a life of thirst into a thirst of life." :D

here's the fishing part: . enjoy!

then i read mandycat's book today :) it's so meaningful :) it's about "i love you" <3 u must read this :D

Monday, May 23, 2011

Our Bitter Melon

the bitter melon which we planted in our garden :D it's like a banana thingie though :P

and a photo of the bitter melon with frisky <3

Footprints In The Sand

You walked with me
Footprints in the sand
And helped me understand
Where I’m going
You walked with me
When I was all alone
With so much I no along the way
Then I heard you say

I promise you
I’m always there
When your heart is filled with sorrow and despair
I’ll carry you
When you need a friend
You’ll find my footprints in the sand

I see my life
Flash across the sky
So many times have I
Been so afraid ooh
And just when I
Have thought I’ve lost my way

You give me strength to carry on
That’s when I heard you say

I promise you
I’m always there
When your heart is filled with sorrow and despair
I’ll carry you
When you need a friend
You’ll find my footprints in the sand

When I’m weary
Well I no you’ll be there
And I can feel you
When you say

I promise you
I’m always there
When your heart is full of sadness and despair
I’ll carry you
When you need a friend
You’ll find my footprints in the sand x 2

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Yeah Show 2011

we went to watch yeah show at hk convention centre! it was great :) the theme is "人都癲", hahaha :D

this is just a part of the venue. it was actually full of people after the light was turned off~ about 8000 people!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Postage Stamps

guess wt this is! thought we got a new sitting mat?

woohoo! they are postage stamps! we bought so many postage stamps! yeah!

Sofa & Water Machine @ Office

we got a new sofa at the office today! it's like a soybean curd :D

then we also got a new water machine :D wonderful *V*

see i brought meow meow coasters to the office ;)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Emily @ Office

emily came to work at my office today :D so happy :) i brought her from fotan station to the building and also showed her the minibus stops nearby.

emily loved asking me silly questions. i told emily that there's only my mom working at the office. as we got into the parking space, she asked me why there were so many private cars. i wondered why she said so. and she said she thought there was only mom at the office. then i told her, yea but this didn't mean that my mom used the whole building! how come she thought that my mom owned the whole building for her office -_- the building was so huge! ==

after she arrived at the office, my mom asked us to take photos of the diy bracelets. we had a great fun! each of us made 2 diy bracelets. but it's kinda stupid that she made 2, and 2 of them were made incorrectly -_- one got upside-down words and the another got words facing the wrong side (the words faced her own wrist that cannot be shown to others), haha, she's so funny :P

these were the great shots of the bracelets :) nice, weren't they?


then we went to had our lunch at the comma cafe. the tomato sauce thing was super sweet but with no tomato taste ==" it's like the chef accidentally put the whole pack of sugar into the sauce... then we bought some stationery for the office. we bought some nice files, they're pastel color! i love them :)

i drew my fox having bbq :) i <3 my fox! she looks great in this pict! haha :D

and my little sketch of it :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Up & Human Planet

that's so wonderful that i watched UP yesterday :D it is such a great movie that i love that a lot :)

especially the part of the married life of carl and ellie :)

and i watched human planet on pearl tonight :) the theme is: Oceans - Into the Blue :D

click to watch the whole episode :) http://www.tudou.com/l/XrnLU8UEitw/&iid=73027292/v.swf

it was so cool :D i really enjoyed the surfing part, conquering the waves :D and also the dolphin, the shark and the whale part :)

here's the surfing part: Ken Bradshaw's big wave hold down. enjoy!

Monday, May 16, 2011

New Office

first day at the new office :) it's quite nice :D

the view is quite good too :D

my drawing at the office :)