Saturday, July 30, 2011

Smile, please & Kowloon Tong

i'm really happy today!

mom and i went to kwun tong to see an art exhibition called 'Smile, please' by Jeanie Leung. Oowa was a very very cute character and i loved him sooooo much <3

and see his penguin outfit :D super cute!

he looked really handsome this way :D

the artist is so talented and i saw her at the exhibition too! i hope her oowa can get famous in the future and i can take photos with him in shopping malls <3

then we went to kowloon tong. we went to the design mart at innocentre first.

we took photos with the balloon-made shopping carts :P

there's not much to see and there were so many people -____-

luckily, we found something great that we bought these cute bookmarks :D

after then, we went to festival walk and met nicole. it was quite a mo liu exhibition.

we had a wonderful dinner tonight! :D

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