Monday, July 25, 2011

Macau Day 1

it's so happy to go to macau with easter, blossom and her friend 'tall girl'. :D

we took the ferry at sheung wan to macau. after we arrived at macau, we went to the temple (媽閣廟).

it was really hot today and we ate ice cream there. the ice cream cart was hand-made by the owner and it was introduced in the magazine too!

then we went to this place and i dun know what's this called. but it's quite famous in macau and it's really pretty. i love this building structure <3

after then, we went to the meow space. there were some cats inside.

then we went to some churches. they were all so magnificent and i loved that even i'm not a catholic. i thought i looked pretty with this long dress sitting in front of those statues, teehee :P

after visiting few churches, we went to eat double-skinned milk (雙皮奶) and of course i didn't eat that. then we had our lunch after the desert.

after lunch, we went to the famous open area (議事亭前地). i really love the ground <3

then we moved to the ruins of st. paul (大三巴). it's really hot and tired and none of us wanted to walk upstairs. so we decided to take photos without walking up the stairs.

then we went to our hotel. the chinese name of the hotel (駿景酒店) was so similar to that of royal ascot in fotan :P we got a nice view of the galaxy and the racecourse.

after we had a little rest, we went to see the ice world exhibition in the venetian (威尼斯人). it's so cold inside but we loved that a lot!

there were also ice penguins! :D

after that, blossom, tall girl and i went to have dinner together as easter went to watch the show - the house of dancing water. we ate portuguese style dinner tonight and it was wonderful!

after dinner, we went to the galaxy as tall girl was leaving tonight. it's such a pity that she just stayed with us for only one day... anyway, it's a really nice day in macau!

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