Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Macau Day 2

it's day 2 at macau! woohoo!

in this morning, easter bought a cake to celebrate blossom's birthday! :D happy belated birthday blossom!

then we went to the galaxy again. the gemstone things looked quite nice for photo-taking :D

then we went to the venetian. it's really pretty :D

then we returned to the hotel to get back the things and went to the mgm (美高梅). i love this place a lot <3 i really enjoy the feeling in that garden! :D so elegant and relaxing!

then we went to the wynn (永利). it was the 1st time for me to try the 'tiger machine' and i thought it was not fun at all...

after that, we had the lunch nearby and left macau. awwww... i really stayed for a long time! i wish we can go to another place again next time! i love the trip and the photos <3

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