Sunday, July 10, 2011

Church - Andrew's Camp

it was quite a great 2-day camp that we stayed overnight in church! it was the 1st time for me to join my fellowship's camp ;D

on the 1st day, in the morning, there was chapel. then we had our lunch by having a designated amount of money for each group to buy the food. it was so funny that me and ah bing used $2.3 to buy a $2 candy! then in the afternoon, we played the rainbow game that we gotta catch another colour team captain in lek yuen and wo che. it was a large area and the weather was really hot and humid. soooo tired -__- and in the evening, we had our dinner at wo che together. after that, we went to take a bath in the opposite squash gymnasium :D after taking a bath, we had a camp fire time / camp light time ;D it's so funny that the 'ah bak loy' was like seeing everyone drove crazy :P we sleep late at night, i played last impression and kai impression with some of them. some of them danced lady gaga's songs and down outside, they were really high!

on the 2nd, we went to eat the mcdonald's in the morning. then we rested for a while and played pictionary, it was fun! then we had our lunch, the mcs asked us some questions during our lunch, if we could not answer that correctly, there would be punishment like wearing googles and having disgusting drinks poured into the dish. i'm glad that my group mates can answer most of the questions correctly :D then we played mass games and water games in the hall. we poured the cups of water from one head to another and also saying out the word with a mouth full of water. it was really fun and i got a bit wet! :D we played pictionary and mc killer for while and went out for dinner at wo che.

it was such a fun and relaxing camp :D glad to have you all <3

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