Saturday, July 30, 2011

Smile, please & Kowloon Tong

i'm really happy today!

mom and i went to kwun tong to see an art exhibition called 'Smile, please' by Jeanie Leung. Oowa was a very very cute character and i loved him sooooo much <3

and see his penguin outfit :D super cute!

he looked really handsome this way :D

the artist is so talented and i saw her at the exhibition too! i hope her oowa can get famous in the future and i can take photos with him in shopping malls <3

then we went to kowloon tong. we went to the design mart at innocentre first.

we took photos with the balloon-made shopping carts :P

there's not much to see and there were so many people -____-

luckily, we found something great that we bought these cute bookmarks :D

after then, we went to festival walk and met nicole. it was quite a mo liu exhibition.

we had a wonderful dinner tonight! :D

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Release of Jupas Results

yeah! i got the offer from baptist university! i'm going to study public relations and adversting! woohoo!!! though i'm not so sure what will i gonna do in the future but i guess this is a great thing for me :D

thank god for such planning <3 i thought i done worse than my ce but i got an unexpected good result ;D after then, i changed all my choices from environment to bba, from bba to communications. and finally i got communications for my final decision! and it's just a gift for me that i could get into my 1st choice <3 thank god for all such things <3

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Macau Day 2

it's day 2 at macau! woohoo!

in this morning, easter bought a cake to celebrate blossom's birthday! :D happy belated birthday blossom!

then we went to the galaxy again. the gemstone things looked quite nice for photo-taking :D

then we went to the venetian. it's really pretty :D

then we returned to the hotel to get back the things and went to the mgm (美高梅). i love this place a lot <3 i really enjoy the feeling in that garden! :D so elegant and relaxing!

then we went to the wynn (永利). it was the 1st time for me to try the 'tiger machine' and i thought it was not fun at all...

after that, we had the lunch nearby and left macau. awwww... i really stayed for a long time! i wish we can go to another place again next time! i love the trip and the photos <3

Monday, July 25, 2011

Macau Day 1

it's so happy to go to macau with easter, blossom and her friend 'tall girl'. :D

we took the ferry at sheung wan to macau. after we arrived at macau, we went to the temple (媽閣廟).

it was really hot today and we ate ice cream there. the ice cream cart was hand-made by the owner and it was introduced in the magazine too!

then we went to this place and i dun know what's this called. but it's quite famous in macau and it's really pretty. i love this building structure <3

after then, we went to the meow space. there were some cats inside.

then we went to some churches. they were all so magnificent and i loved that even i'm not a catholic. i thought i looked pretty with this long dress sitting in front of those statues, teehee :P

after visiting few churches, we went to eat double-skinned milk (雙皮奶) and of course i didn't eat that. then we had our lunch after the desert.

after lunch, we went to the famous open area (議事亭前地). i really love the ground <3

then we moved to the ruins of st. paul (大三巴). it's really hot and tired and none of us wanted to walk upstairs. so we decided to take photos without walking up the stairs.

then we went to our hotel. the chinese name of the hotel (駿景酒店) was so similar to that of royal ascot in fotan :P we got a nice view of the galaxy and the racecourse.

after we had a little rest, we went to see the ice world exhibition in the venetian (威尼斯人). it's so cold inside but we loved that a lot!

there were also ice penguins! :D

after that, blossom, tall girl and i went to have dinner together as easter went to watch the show - the house of dancing water. we ate portuguese style dinner tonight and it was wonderful!

after dinner, we went to the galaxy as tall girl was leaving tonight. it's such a pity that she just stayed with us for only one day... anyway, it's a really nice day in macau!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Church - Andrew's Camp

it was quite a great 2-day camp that we stayed overnight in church! it was the 1st time for me to join my fellowship's camp ;D

on the 1st day, in the morning, there was chapel. then we had our lunch by having a designated amount of money for each group to buy the food. it was so funny that me and ah bing used $2.3 to buy a $2 candy! then in the afternoon, we played the rainbow game that we gotta catch another colour team captain in lek yuen and wo che. it was a large area and the weather was really hot and humid. soooo tired -__- and in the evening, we had our dinner at wo che together. after that, we went to take a bath in the opposite squash gymnasium :D after taking a bath, we had a camp fire time / camp light time ;D it's so funny that the 'ah bak loy' was like seeing everyone drove crazy :P we sleep late at night, i played last impression and kai impression with some of them. some of them danced lady gaga's songs and down outside, they were really high!

on the 2nd, we went to eat the mcdonald's in the morning. then we rested for a while and played pictionary, it was fun! then we had our lunch, the mcs asked us some questions during our lunch, if we could not answer that correctly, there would be punishment like wearing googles and having disgusting drinks poured into the dish. i'm glad that my group mates can answer most of the questions correctly :D then we played mass games and water games in the hall. we poured the cups of water from one head to another and also saying out the word with a mouth full of water. it was really fun and i got a bit wet! :D we played pictionary and mc killer for while and went out for dinner at wo che.

it was such a fun and relaxing camp :D glad to have you all <3

Friday, July 8, 2011

Form 7 Graduation Day

it's form 7 graduation day today! congrats to all form 7 classmates :D

i'm responsible to deliver the vote of thanks and i was quite nervous. but i'm glad that everything went on well. :)

do wish all of us every success! esp. we girls!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Day Back To Primary School

it's a day back to my primary school! it has been a long time not going back there. it's so happy to know that the teachers are still teaching there :D

this is my primary school.

all of us who went there today :D the girls are so pretty!

a photo with our chi teacher miss so and our eng teacher / class teacher miss yim :)

and a photo with our math teacher miss chung :)

we also took a photo in our classroom j.6 honesty :D

i do miss the old days in primary school <3