Thursday, August 25, 2011

Lunch with Ryan & Visit Miss Li & Dinner with Justin

this afternoon, i had my lunch with ryan, a friend i met in form 1. we had lunch at apm in kwun tong, we had the hot pot thingie. it's really nice to talk with a friend that we haven't seen for few years! :D just took a photo at apm with him :)

after then, i met miss li at sunshine city in ma on shan. then we took the minibus together and went to her home. her home was really nice and pretty! glad that she has such a great fiancee / husband that he designed all those tailor-made cupboards and all those stuff! miss li got many lights at her flat! i love her lights <3 btw, she got so many pandas! pandas everywhere! lol she got 2 huge ones like that in the photo! wish you have a happy wedding miss li! <3

after visiting miss li's house, i returned home and waited for my cousin justin and his wife patricia. that's very nice of them and they supported my mom and prayed together. it's such a wonderful night :)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Cooking with Chole & Tea with Kam

abt 11am, i went to chloe's house to cook! we first went to park n shop then to her home. we cooked the mushroom risotto and broccoli and also salt-baked chicken leg. it's really yummy! :D

and two photos with chloe :P funny eyeglasses lol

after then, in the afternoon, i went to meet finsy and kam at shatin. at last, we went to delifrance to have our afternoon tea. we paired up for so many times that we found out pairing up with kam could not make any decision at all... finsy and i decided what to eat finally. all the dishes were croissants! hahaha :D we chatted and chatted and chatter for abt 3 hours. and natalie w arrived to join their dinner. it was really a great afternoon!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

BU Comm Ocamp

just went to the 3-day orientation camp of the school of communication of baptist university! it was really great and i love comm! and of course, 10 hut! we are always the prettiest among all :P

these were the souvenirs i got from comm. so pretty! <3 i really love the design of the comm valley daily! :D

they also found us lots of sponsors ;)

and we lived in the hall in the ocamp. though i can't get into that this year, but i still lived there for 3 days! :P

and of course, what i love the most are the special accessories of 10 hut! <3

the great big fan! and the cute little doggie tag ;D and of course, the nicely decorated towel and t-shirt! but i didn't take a photo for them...

we had a really great fun and i even had my nails in orange! (well, i took this photo at home...)

this was the most marvelous camp i've ever been! we played and we danced and that's really a great moment in my life :)

just wanna give a great hug to baba, mama, gor gor and jie jie <3 you guys are so pretty and kind! :D and also a hug to all of you guys! <3

and thanks for hut zero which helped organize this ocamp successfully :D and thanks meow meow, the leader of our hut :D

here's the group photo of our hut! with the family relatives within these few years! :D

love y'all <3

Sunday, August 7, 2011

A Friend from Shanxi

yesterday, i went to marine city to meet 'siu yuen zi' to take photos with the smurfs. however, the exhibition would not be opened till 5pm so we went shopping. we went to a shop called bershka. the clothes inside there were so pretty and not expensive! i bought a jacket, a skirt and a pair of shorts. it's so unbelievable that i bought a pair of shorts that i dun even have one at home...

though we could not get inside the exhibition, we could still take some photos.

then we went to the tsing yi waterfront promenade after lunch. we took some photos in the park. v. nice sunlight and nice trees :D

all of us with the shanxi friends :D

my shanxi friend, angela, and my family :)

she brought us many snacks from shanxi! so many packs of them!

and in the next morning, we took some photos in my garden.

after then, we went to tai po waterfront park. though it's relaxing, it's very very sunny and i kept on sweating all the time.

then she played the panda thing at a small canteen. my mom brought the game there... angela enjoyed that a lot.

then we had lunch at a 'cha chan tang' in tai po. after lunch, angela and i went to mongkok grand century place to go shopping. she bought the postcards and i bought her a small nici gift in popular. we saw a singer having a performance in the shopping mall though i dunno who he was actually. we were late to arrive the hostel but anyway, we were not the latest :P

Elements & W Hotel

we went elements today. i bought a new t-shirt at zara and my sis bought a blouse at h&m. we went to see the pop art exhibition but it was not as attractive as expected.

then we had a buffet dinner at the w hotel with auntie mariana's family. the buffet was really nice and the place was very relaxing.

this was the wall we saw while taking the lift.

and this was the beautiful view we saw while having the buffet. what a pretty sunset <3

i took a photo of the pepper and salt! the black cupboard beneath could actually reflect the sunlight of the sunset!

the things inside the restaurant looked special :D

i like this hotel a lot and the food was delicious too! i tried lots of seafood :P wanna go there once more! :D

Friday, August 5, 2011

Church Summer Camp

finally, i went to church summer camp for my very first time! we went to lingnan university for a 4-days-1-night camp. however, i could just go for the first two days...

it's very nice to listen to those chapels that i learnt a lot :D esp. pastor chan that he talked about creation care, mission = life, 'my soul has found a resting place', 'ransomed, healed, restored. forgiven', how to equip ourselves to fly high in our mission, etc. it's really nice to learn about that.

btw, the hall was quite nice and the view was good too :)

and also the place was really relaxing for this camp :D

and there was a pretty sky in the late afternoon :)

after all, it's a really nice camp with all of you :D it's enjoyable to be in god's family <3

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Smile, please & Kowloon Tong

i'm really happy today!

mom and i went to kwun tong to see an art exhibition called 'Smile, please' by Jeanie Leung. Oowa was a very very cute character and i loved him sooooo much <3

and see his penguin outfit :D super cute!

he looked really handsome this way :D

the artist is so talented and i saw her at the exhibition too! i hope her oowa can get famous in the future and i can take photos with him in shopping malls <3

then we went to kowloon tong. we went to the design mart at innocentre first.

we took photos with the balloon-made shopping carts :P

there's not much to see and there were so many people -____-

luckily, we found something great that we bought these cute bookmarks :D

after then, we went to festival walk and met nicole. it was quite a mo liu exhibition.

we had a wonderful dinner tonight! :D