Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Cooking with Chole & Tea with Kam

abt 11am, i went to chloe's house to cook! we first went to park n shop then to her home. we cooked the mushroom risotto and broccoli and also salt-baked chicken leg. it's really yummy! :D

and two photos with chloe :P funny eyeglasses lol

after then, in the afternoon, i went to meet finsy and kam at shatin. at last, we went to delifrance to have our afternoon tea. we paired up for so many times that we found out pairing up with kam could not make any decision at all... finsy and i decided what to eat finally. all the dishes were croissants! hahaha :D we chatted and chatted and chatter for abt 3 hours. and natalie w arrived to join their dinner. it was really a great afternoon!

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