Sunday, August 7, 2011

A Friend from Shanxi

yesterday, i went to marine city to meet 'siu yuen zi' to take photos with the smurfs. however, the exhibition would not be opened till 5pm so we went shopping. we went to a shop called bershka. the clothes inside there were so pretty and not expensive! i bought a jacket, a skirt and a pair of shorts. it's so unbelievable that i bought a pair of shorts that i dun even have one at home...

though we could not get inside the exhibition, we could still take some photos.

then we went to the tsing yi waterfront promenade after lunch. we took some photos in the park. v. nice sunlight and nice trees :D

all of us with the shanxi friends :D

my shanxi friend, angela, and my family :)

she brought us many snacks from shanxi! so many packs of them!

and in the next morning, we took some photos in my garden.

after then, we went to tai po waterfront park. though it's relaxing, it's very very sunny and i kept on sweating all the time.

then she played the panda thing at a small canteen. my mom brought the game there... angela enjoyed that a lot.

then we had lunch at a 'cha chan tang' in tai po. after lunch, angela and i went to mongkok grand century place to go shopping. she bought the postcards and i bought her a small nici gift in popular. we saw a singer having a performance in the shopping mall though i dunno who he was actually. we were late to arrive the hostel but anyway, we were not the latest :P

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