Saturday, August 13, 2011

BU Comm Ocamp

just went to the 3-day orientation camp of the school of communication of baptist university! it was really great and i love comm! and of course, 10 hut! we are always the prettiest among all :P

these were the souvenirs i got from comm. so pretty! <3 i really love the design of the comm valley daily! :D

they also found us lots of sponsors ;)

and we lived in the hall in the ocamp. though i can't get into that this year, but i still lived there for 3 days! :P

and of course, what i love the most are the special accessories of 10 hut! <3

the great big fan! and the cute little doggie tag ;D and of course, the nicely decorated towel and t-shirt! but i didn't take a photo for them...

we had a really great fun and i even had my nails in orange! (well, i took this photo at home...)

this was the most marvelous camp i've ever been! we played and we danced and that's really a great moment in my life :)

just wanna give a great hug to baba, mama, gor gor and jie jie <3 you guys are so pretty and kind! :D and also a hug to all of you guys! <3

and thanks for hut zero which helped organize this ocamp successfully :D and thanks meow meow, the leader of our hut :D

here's the group photo of our hut! with the family relatives within these few years! :D

love y'all <3

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