Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Lucky Unlucky Day

this morning, i went to cu twgh asso interview with natalie w. it was raining really heavily today... she was all wet when we left.

then we went to sogo's italian tomato to have lunch. the lunch set this time was quite nice, it would be better if there weren't any cheese powder. -V- after then, natalie forced me to go to k11 with her to take photos over there.

when i arrived fo tan station, i realized that i left my yellow ula umbrella at sogo :( so i got back into the station and went to the another exit to buy the emerald colour umbrella. unfortunately, the machine was out of service. i was so sad and bought a 7-11 umbrella :(

however, fortunately, when i arrived home, the repairing service called me back and told me that i could get the umbrella at the fo tan station because their office was near there! how lucky i was! :D

while travelling to wanchai for the exchange programme gathering, my sis called me and told me that the return call from italian tomato said they found the yellow umbrella. woohoo! i was such a lucky person! :D

it was so funny that my unlucky day turned into a lucky day! yeah! :D

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