Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Ants Go Marching One By One

i went to k11 with my mom today. we spent quite a long time over there. there was a nice exhibition :D

there were so many many ants!

i love this house a lot :D what a nice setting ^^

we bought some candies at sticky at k11 :D

then we ate dinner at ant one and it was really nice. then we made diy bangles at k11, it's not as special as i thought though...

after then, we went to fortress nearby to find natalie w to get back my chefo bag. chefo is so handsome :D

then we walked to lcx at harbour city. there was an exhibition called 100 Years Later Exhibition. they were designed by a japanese designer, this idea was so special ;)

and i wemt to mandycat's pop up store again! i bought a new tee! <3

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